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Table 2 Taxonomy of nurse retention interventions in rural and remote areas

From: Interventions for supporting nurse retention in rural and remote areas: an umbrella review

Category of intervention

Effective interventions for nurse retention

Strength of evidence*

A. Education and continuous professional development interventions

-Recruitment from, and training in, rural areas

Moderate [26]#

-Targeted admission of students from rural background

Moderate [28]#

-Early and increased exposure to rural practice during undergraduate studies


-Support for continuous professional development

B. Regulatory interventions

-Increased opportunities for recruitment to civil service

Low [25]#

-Recognizing overseas qualifications

-Producing different types of health workers

C. Financial incentives

-Direct and indirect financial incentives (direct payments, service-requiring scholarships, educational loans with service requirements, loan repayment programs)

Moderate [24]#

Low [25]

D. Personal and professional support

-General improvement in rural infrastructure (housing, roads, phones, water supplies, radio communication, etc.)

Strong [25]

-Supportive supervision (mentorship, preceptorship, clinical supervision)

Moderate [26]#


-Measures to reduce health workers’ feeling of isolation (professional/specialist networks, telemedicine and telehealth)

Moderate [27]#

  1. *Strength of evidence based on review authors’ conclusions.
  2. #Indirect evidence: the original studies on which authors based their conclusions are not specific to nurse retention.