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Table 1 Typology of mobile health workers [16]

From: Applying a typology of health worker migration to non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland



Livelihood migrant

Migrates for improved salary and better standard of living. S/he may migrate to escape unemployment or job insecurity, for example, the “crisis escapee” migrating from countries hardest hit by the financial crisis. The purpose of migration is to settle abroad, either temporarily or permanently.

Career-oriented migrant

Travels for career development, perhaps to acquire training or to accelerate career progression. S/he is likely to migrate for a specific period of time to acquire qualifications and/or experience that will enhance his/her career back home.

Backpacker migrant

Works to travel and sees mobility as an opportunity. S/he tends to remain in each destination country for a short period of time.

Commuter migrant

Travels across border to work, perhaps on a daily/weekly basis, or for longer periods of time if the distance between host and destination country is greater.

Undocumented migrant

Works in the informal sector, perhaps in care work, and is likely to be working below his/her skill level.

Returner migrant

Migrates in reverse, returning to the home country. S/he may return when the outlook improves in the home country or if the migration experience does not match their expectations.