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Table 5 Assumptions and key data sources

From: Development of an interactive model for planning the care workforce for Alberta: case study




Data Source

Total Active FTE

The assigned FTE an employee holds in the payroll systems. This is the employee's guaranteed minimum hours, as defined by their offer letter.

The assigned FTE held by all AHS employees in each occupation group, plus assigned FTE data provided by Covenant Health (a contractor to AHS). Assigned FTE includes all part time and full time employees who actually hold an FTE - casual employees are assigned an FTE of zero. Casuals are contemplated indirectly, as we know that a full time employee holding 1.0 FTE does not actually work 2022.75 hours per year - they are away from work due to vacation, sick, bereavement, etc. and we assume casual employees pick up shifts when full time employees are away from the workplace.

For AHS: Detailed Employee List – Interim HR database (Dec. 2009 data) For Covenant Health: Active FTE

Average FTE

The baseline average FTE is calculated to determine the current average FTE of those employees actually holding an FTE, not including casuals.

Total active FTE divided by Employee Count. (Employee count is the total number of employees holding an FTE, including employees holding part time, full time and temporary positions. It excludes the casual component of the workforce).

Detailed Employee List – Interim HR database (Dec. 2009 data) and Covenant Health data


An average FTE proxy, inclusive of casual employees, has been calculated for HCAs employed in the private sector.


Total FTE in the Continuing Care sector divided by total HCA head count, including casuals. [7567 FTE / 17820 HCAs = 0.424 FTE]


Casual Component

Estimated casual hours.

The casual component of the workforce can be captured in different ways. The number of casual employees on the payroll systems can be misleading, as many casual employees are active in the payroll systems, but not actively working shifts. A working casual proxy has been calculated, to help determine the size of the casual pool actually working shifts each month. (A separate casual component has not been factored into the continuing care estimates).

Detailed Employee List – Interim HR database (Jan. 2010 data)


Active casual proxy = 52.6% of the total casual pool on the payroll system.


This proxy was calculated based on worked hours data pulled from former Capital, David Thompson, Northern Lights health regions, from January 2010 records.


Registered Nurse (RN)

Registered Nurse (RN), Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)*, Graduate Nurse, Clinical Instructors (within collective agreement only), Certified Graduate Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist (within collective agreement only), Assistant Head Nurse, Head nurse

Undergraduate Nurse, Nurse Practitioner (NP), Clinical Nurse Specialist (Out of Scope), Clinical Educators (Out of Scope)

Detailed Employee List – Interim HR database (Dec. 2009 data)


*The RPN group is too small to be modeled separately, therefore, has been included in the RN group.


Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

Licensed Practical Nurse, Orthopedic Technician, Operating Room Technician


Detailed Employee List – Interim HR database (Dec. 2009 data)

Health Care Aide (HCA)

Health Care Aide, Nursing Attendant, Home Care Aide

Therapy Aides, Therapy Assistants, Psychiatric Aides

Detailed Employee List – Interim HR database (Dec. 2009 data)