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Table 1 Measures and definitions of Community Health Worker performance in the generic logic model

From: A Community Health Worker “logic model”: towards a theory of enhanced performance in low- and middle-income countries








Degree to which the CHW has the theoretical or practical understanding of the function and tasks assigned to him/her


Degree to which the CHW has the skills necessary to carry out the tasks assigned to him/her


An individual’s degree of willingness to exert and maintain effort on assigned tasks


The mental and emotional condition (as of enthusiasm, confidence, etc.) of an individual CHW with regard to the function or tasks at hand


A CHW’s confidence, belief in his/her ability to produce an expected, desired result


Degree to which CHWs derive personal satisfaction from serving the community, providing good quality services



Rate at which those CHWs who are supposed to be delivering services habitually fail to appear to carry out their tasks

Service delivery

Quantity and quality of promotional, preventive, and curative services CHWs provide to community members


The degree to which an individual CHW responds to the needs of an individual client or group within a reasonable time period


A CHW’s total output per unit of total input



The rate at which practicing CHWS resign, retire, or abandon their positions over time


The rate at which CHWs are advancing in their skills, competencies, formal responsibilities, and formal status within the community and the formal health system over time


CHW-attributable changes among individual clients


Client’s physical and social access to essential services delivered by CHWs

Knowledge of service availability

Client’s ability to identify the location of CHWs and the services they provide

Health care-seeking behavior

Client in need of essential services and with access to CHWs is routinely seeking and using promotional, preventive and/or curative services CHWs offer

Health-promoting behavior in the home

Client has adopted health-promoting behaviors in the home as a result of contact with CHWs


Client’s reported degree of satisfaction with the services rendered by CHWs

Cost savings

Money not spent by client that he/she otherwise would have spent (on transportation and other items) in the absence of a CHW


Change in client’s state of illness, wellness, survival

CHW-attributable changes in the community


Degree to which the community considers CHWs to be making an important and valuable contribution to the health and well-being of the community


Status the community confers upon CHWs as a result of their selection and/or resulting from the quantity and quality of the services they deliver to community members

Cost savings

Money not spent by a community that it otherwise would have been spent in the absence of a CHW to ensure its members secure health services

Change in community functioning

Changes in a community’s structure, processes, and behaviors resulting from its interaction with a CHW

Social cohesion

Change in the manner in which community members work towards achieving a goal or satisfy the emotional needs of its members resulting from its interaction with a CHW

Community satisfaction

Community’s reported degree of satisfaction with the services rendered by CHWs

Change in community health

Change in community’s state of illness, wellness, survival

CHW-attributable changes in the health system


Degree to which health system actors consider CHWs to be making an important and valuable contribution to the health and well-being of the community and the sound functioning of the health system


Status the health system confers upon CHWs as a result of their selection and/or resulting from the quantity and quality of the services they deliver

Cost savings

Money not spent by the health system that it otherwise would have spent in the absence of a CHW to ensure the system was delivering high quality health services

Change in health system functioning

Changes in health system structures, processes, and behaviors resulting from its interaction with a CHW

Health system satisfaction

Health system actors’ reported degree of satisfaction with the services rendered by CHWs


CHW-attributable changes in health at the population level


Change in the prevalence of serious illness in the population served by CHWs


Change in the level of mortality in the population served by CHWs

Fertility rate

The ratio of live births in a CHW-served area to the population of that area expressed per 1,000 population per year


Degree to which access, coverage, or morbidity/mortality levels vary among different socio-economic or socially defined sub-groups in the population served by CHWs