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Table 1 HIV Competencies and sub-competencies

From: Developing a competency-based curriculum in HIV for nursing schools in Haiti


Sub competencies

A. Prevent HIV infection among individuals and the community

A.1 Conduct community and individual education on HIV/AIDS


A.2 Perform HIV pre-test counseling


A.3 Conduct HIV testing


A.4 Perform HIV post-test counseling


A.5 Prevent and treat accidental blood exposure


A.6 Prevent Mother-To-Child-Transmission of HIV


A.7 Prevent and treat sexually transmitted diseases


A.8 Ensure post-exposure prophylaxis in cases of sexual violence

B. Promote the health of people living with HIV

B.1 Provide counseling on well-being and nutrition


B.2 Prevent opportunistic infections

C. Evaluate the health status of people living with HIV

C.1 Identify the clinical signs of HIV infection


C.2 Conduct biologic tests


C.3 Classify the patient according to stages of infection as defined by WHO and the CDC

D. Ensure the care of adults and children infected with HIV/AIDS

D.1 Therapeutic interventions


D.1.1 Identify the patients eligible for ART


D.1.2 Counsel for adherence to ART


D.1.3 Treat opportunistic infections


D.1.4 Manage the nutrition of PLWHA


D.1.5 Administer ART


D.1.6 Ensure the follow-up of a patents taking ART


D.1.7 Manage a pregnant women infected by HIV


D.1.8 Manage a child infected by HIV


D.1.9 Provide palliative care


D.2 Psychosocial and community interventions


D. 2.1 Provide spiritual support


D. 2.2 Provide social and economic support


D. 2.3 Provide psychological support


D.2.4 Support clients in managing grief


D. 2.5 Link patients to legal support


D. 2.6 Provide support to orphans and other vulnerable children


D. 2.7 Ensure the community management of people living with HIV


D.2.8 Prevent and treat burn-out among n

E. Ensure the management of various aspects of the HIV/AIDS control program

E.1. Work as a member of a multidisciplinary team


E.2. Manage the drugs and other inputs necessary for the care of people living with HIV


E.3. Manage the data entry of HIV patients


E.4. Utilize the resources provided in the national AIDS control program


E.5. Evaluate the activities of the national AIDS control program