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Table 2 Codebooks used to categorize quotations from in-depth interviews for qualitative data analyses

From: Enhancing public health practice through a capacity-building educational programme: an evaluation

Quotations of graduates


Institute heads/faculty members

General experience_course: Description of the candidate’s general experience about the course.

Skill_professional: All those quotations related to knowledge and soft and technical skills.

General experience_course: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ general experience about the course.

Positive_teaching/learning: Description of the candidate’s good experience about the teaching techniques, faculty and teaching aids.

Skill_personal: All those quotations related to communication, confidence, personality and time management

Positives_curriculum: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ good experience about the curriculum.

Shortcomings_teaching/learning: Description of the candidate’s good experience about the teaching techniques, faculty and teaching aids.

Application_acquired skills: All those quotations related to application of learnt skills.

Positives_teaching: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ good experience about the teaching.

Shortcomings_curriculum: Description of the candidate’s opinion on shortcomings about the course content and curriculum, material and course duration and dissertation.

Barriers_utilization_acquired skills: All those quotations related to barriers in acquired skills application.

Shortcomings_curriculum: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ experience about the shortcomings in the curriculum.

Positives_curriculum: Description of the candidate’s good experience on course content and curriculum, material and course duration and dissertation.

Suggestions: All those quotations related to suggestions for improvement of the programme in the future.

Infrastructure: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ experience about the infrastructure of the institute.

Soft skills_personal: Description of the candidate’s learning in terms of improved personal soft skills such as confidence, communication, attitude, thinking, computers and software.

Opinion_PH strengthening: All those quotations related to whether this course will be able to further strengthen the public health of the country

Skills_personal: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ opinion about the candidate’s learnings in terms of improved personal soft skills such as confidence, communication, attitude, thinking, computers and software.

Soft skills_professional: Description of the candidate’s learning in terms of improved professional soft skills such as doctor patient relationship, human resource management, report writing and data analysis.

Miscellaneous: All those quotations not covered in the sub-headings mentioned above.

Skills_professional: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ opinion about the candidate’s learnings in terms of improved professional soft skills such as doctor–patient relationship, human resource management, report writing and data analysis.

Suggestions_course improvement: Description of the candidate’s suggestions on course improvement.


Application_acquired skills: Quotations which describe the institute heads’ and faculty members’ opinion about the candidates’ attempt towards applying their learnings (successful/unsuccessful).

Application_acquired skill: Description of candidate talking about any attempt towards applying their learning (successful/unsuccessful).


Barriers_skill implementation: Quotations which describe institute heads’ and faculty members’ opinion about the barriers faced by the candidates in applying their learnings (successful/unsuccessful).

Barriers_application_acquired skills: Description of candidate talking about any barriers they faced in applying their learning (successful/unsuccessful).


Opinion_PH strengthening: Quotations which describe institute heads’ and faculty members’ talking about whether this course will be able to further strengthen the public health of the country.

Suggestion_utilization_acquired skills: Description of candidate giving suggestions about how their skills can be better utilized.


Suggestions: Quotations which describe institute heads’ and faculty members’ giving suggestions about how overall the programme can be further improved.

Experience_job hunting (private candidates): Description of candidate talking about placement cell and job hunting experiences.


Miscellaneous: Quotations which are not covered under above mentioned sub-headings will be put here.

Experience_mixed group teaching: Description of candidate talking about mixed-group teaching such as doctors and nurses, self-sponsored candidates and government-nominated candidates and candidates from different states.


Perceived importance_course: Description of candidate talking about whether this course will be able to further strengthen the public health of the country.


Assistance_institute: Description of candidate talking about some assistance from the institute in the form of workshops, reunions and refresher course.


Opinion infrastructure: Description of candidate talking about the infrastructure of the institute.


Miscellaneous: Quotations which are not covered under any of the above-mentioned sub-headings.
