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Table 3 HRH intervention assessed

From: Systematic review on human resources for health interventions to improve maternal health outcomes: evidence from low- and middle-income countries

1. Management systems

-Personnel systems: workforce planning (including staffing norms), recruitment, hiring, and deployment

-Work environment and conditions: employee relations, workplace safety, job satisfaction, and career development Work environment and conditions: employee relations, workplace safety, job satisfaction, and career development

-HR information system integration of data sources to ensure timely availability of accurate data required for planning, training, appraising, and supporting the workforce

-Performance management: performance appraisal, supervision, and productivity

2. Education

-Pre-service education tied to health needs

-In-service training (e.g., distance and blended, continuing education)

- Capacity of training institutions

-Training of community health workers and non-formal care providers.

3. Policy

-Professional standards, licensing, and accreditation

-Authorized scopes of practice for health cadres

-Political, social, and financial decisions and choices that impact HRH

-Employment law and rules for civil service and other employers

4. Leadership

-Support HRH champions and advocates

- Capacity for leadership and management at all levels

-Capacity to lead multi-sector and sector-wide collaboration

- Strengthening professional associations to provide leadership among their constituencies

5. Partnership

-Mechanisms and processes for multi-stakeholder cooperation (interministerial committees, health worker advisory groups, observatories, donor coordination groups)

- Public-private sector agreements

-Community involvement in care, treatment, and governance of health services

6. Finance

-Setting levels of salaries and allowances

-Budgeting and projections for HRH intervention resource requirements including salaries, allowances, education, incentive packages, etc.

-Increasing fiscal space and mobilizing financial resources (e.g., government, Global Fund, PEPFAR, donors)

-Data on HRH expenditures (e.g., National Health Accounts)

  1. Source: Capacity Project [29]