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Table 5 Measurement invariance testing steps [33]

From: Measuring health workers’ motivation composition: validation of a scale based on Self-Determination Theory in Burkina Faso

Test for


Model constraints

Configural invariance

Tests for the assumption of the same underlying factor structure in all subgroups, i.e., the overall model fits the data similarly well in all subgroups

No specific constraints are imposed on the estimated parameters.

Metric invariance

Tests whether the same constructs are measured across subgroups, i.e., whether respondents in different subgroups attribute the same meaning to the respective motivation factors

• Factor loadings estimated freely but constrained to equality in the subgroups

Scalar invariance

Tests whether subgroups can be compared on their mean scores or whether subgroups score systematically different (at the same underlying level of motivation) for certain items

• Factor loadings estimated freely but constrained to equality in the subgroups

• Item intercepts estimated freely but constrained to equality in the subgroups

Residual variance invariance

Tests whether the proportion of contamination by other constructs as measured by the different items (i.e., variance that is not explained by the intended factors) is equal across groups and whether measurements are thus fully comparable across groups

• Factor loadings estimated freely but constrained to equality in the subgroups

• Item intercepts estimated freely but constrained to equality in the subgroups

• Item residual variances estimated freely but constrained to equality in subgroups