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Table 5 Mixed methods integration to explain team member satisfaction

From: Interprofessional team member’s satisfaction: a mixed methods study of a Chilean hospital

Quantitative results

Qualitative results

Interprofessional team composition

50% include register nurse, physician and nurse technician. 33% include midwives, physical therapist, register nurse and nurse technician.

Task core represented by register nurse and nurse technician.

Uniprofessional teams of physical therapist and nutritionist, but close to the register nurse

Participation of physician on teams mostly to deliver indications

Team climate (M: 54.13, SD: 5.3)

1 point increase on team climate increase team satisfaction by 0.23 point

Facilitates team member satisfaction:

1. Patient-centered care

2. Common objective over individual differences

3. Cordial interaction and respectful communication facilitating the establishing of trust.

4. Recognition of one’s own role and the other team members.

5. Recognition of the fair value of individual contributions

6. Empower innovation and generational participation.

Register nurse is recognize by 75% of team members as the transformational leader of interprofessional teams.

Transformational leadership (M: 65.67, SD: 7.19)

1 point increase on transformational leadership increase team satisfaction by 0.20 point.

Recognized by team members because of the following:

1. Considers individual and collective well-being in Interprofessional Teams.

2. Know and recognize the talents and abilities of others

3. Interested in the personal dimension of the person

4. Generate bonds of trust through formal and informal instances.

Differences between higher and lower team satisfaction in network for work advise density (100–25%) and centrality (100–36%) respectively. In network for personal support/advise density (40–9%) and centrality (50–18%), the same tendency was observe.

Facilitates team member satisfaction:

1. Having a close task core

2. Professional horizontality to share information.

3. Interactions and communication that include a personal dimension.

4. Centrality of the relations relatives to having common objectives.