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Table 3 Standard CHW service delivery metrics that are currently measured at the community level in national surveys

From: A conceptual framework for measuring community health workforce performance within primary health care systems



% women seen by CHW at first check after most recent delivery (following facility-based delivery)

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of women visited by a CHW in the last 12 months

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of women who reported talking with a field worker about family planning in the last 12 months

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of women who saw a CHW for antenatal care services for most recent pregnancy

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% babies seen by CHW at first check after most recent delivery (Following facility-based delivery)

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% women who were seen for PNC services by a CHW after leaving the health facility

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of babies seen by CHW within first 2 months of life

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of children under 5 seen by a CHW for diarrhea

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of children under 5 seen by a CHW for fever

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of women who obtained condoms from CHWs at time of last intercourse

DHS 7 Woman’s Questionnaire

% of men who discussed family planning with CHW

DHS 7 Man’s Questionnaire

% of men who obtained condoms from CHWs at time of last intercourse

DHS 7 Man’s Questionnaire

% of circumcised men who were circumcised by a CHW

DHS 7 Man’s Questionnaire

% of mothers who received postnatal care within 2 days of childbirth (regardless of place of delivery)

Countdown to 2030

% of mothers and babies who received postpartum care within 2 days of childbirth (regardless of place of delivery)

WHO Core 100 (2015)

# of health workers per 1 000 population (physicians, nurses and midwives, community health workers, etc.)


% of mothers and babies who received postpartum care within 2 weeks/2 days of childbirth (regardless of place of delivery)


# of CHWs trained and deployed for iCCM per 1 000 children under five in target areas

Integrated Community Case Management

Ratio of CHWs deployed for iCCM to iCCM supervisors

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs who received at least one administrative supervisory contact in the prior 3 months during which registers and/or reports were reviewed

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs who received at least one supervisory contact during the prior 3 months during which a sick child visit or scenario was assessed, and coaching was provided

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs who demonstrate correct knowledge of management of sick child case scenarios

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of sick children visiting a trained CHW who receive correct case management from that CHW

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs trained in iCCM who are providing iCCM 1 year after initial training

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of sick children who were taken to an appropriate provider (appropriate provider and aspects of timeliness defined by country protocols) (reported separately for each iCCM condition)

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of children recommended for referral who are received at the referral facility

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs targeted for iCCM who are trained and providing iCCM according to the national plan

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs (or iCCM sites in cases of multiple CHWs/area) treating at least X cases per month (to be defined locally)

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of overall treatment coverage of diarrhea and malaria being provided through iCCM by CHWs (reported separately for each iCCM condition)

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs targeted for iCCM who are trained and providing iCCM according to the national plan

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs who correctly count respiratory rate

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of sick children provided first dose of treatment in the presence of a CHW

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of sick child cases recommended for referral by the CHW

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of sick children under five in iCCM target areas taken to iCCM-trained CHWs as first source of care

Integrated Community Case Management

Number and proportion of cases followed up according to country protocol after receiving treatment from CHW

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of caregivers in target areas who know of the presence and role of their CHW

Integrated Community Case Management

Proportion of CHWs whose registers show completeness and consistency between classification and treatment

Integrated Community Case Management