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Table 4 Indicators with similar definitions or measuring similar construct

From: Developing metrics for nursing quality of care for low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review linked to stakeholder engagement

Broad indicator definition

Indicators as defined in the literature

Failure to rescue

Failure to rescue

Postoperative respiratory failure

Patient satisfaction

Patient complaints

Patient satisfaction with educational information

Patient satisfaction with nursing care

Patient satisfaction with overall care

Patients’ confidence in knowledge and skills of the nurse

Patient’s sense of safety whilst under the care of the nurse

Patient involvement in decisions made about their nursing care

Respect from the nurse for patient’s preference and choice

Nurse’s support to patients to care for themselves, where appropriate

Nurse understanding of what is important to the patient

Patient satisfaction with nurse communication

Patients experience of care

Patient/family complaints satisfaction

Parent/family complaint rate

Patient judgement of hospital quality

Hospital-acquired infection

Central line catheter-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI)

Hospital-acquired pneumonia

Respiratory tract infection

Nosocomial infection

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)

Wounds dressed

Intravenous/vascular access infection


Vascular access infiltration

Vascular access thrombosis

Peripheral venous extravasation

Hospital-acquired urinary tract infection

Urinary catheter-associated UTI

Wound infection

Surgical wound infection


Intravascular infiltration due to IV therapy

Gastrointestinal infection rate

Wound care

Pressure ulcer

Pressure ulcer prevalence

Skin integrity/pressure ulcer prevention

Decubitus prevention care

The risk factors for pressure sores have been documented

Pain management

Pain presence

Patient satisfaction with pain management

Pain management/controlled

Pain assessment with scale and recorded

Job satisfaction and health worker well-being

Nurse staff satisfaction

Physical well-being

Psychological wellbeing

Satisfaction questionnaire about work periodically administered to nurses

Staffing and skill mix

Total nursing care hours provided per patient day

Skill mix (mix of RNs, LPNS and unlicensed staff)

Number of nurses per patient

Working hours of nursing staff

Proportion of nurses working more than 3 years (nurses experience)

Nurse bed care ratio

Voluntary nurse staff turnover rates

Patient to nurse ratio

Nurse vacancy rate


Understaffing as compared to organisation’s plan

On-call or per diem use

Sick time

Agency staff use

Staffing level of education

Level of education and work experiences of nurse managers


Nursing education

Nursing continuing education

In-service education hours for nursing staff per year

Educational materials for nurses in the hospital (library, internet, etc.)

Respiratory support or failure

Iatrogenic lung collapse


Chest-abdomen drain changed as by the protocol

Chest-abdomen drain insertion area dressed as by guideline

Mechanical ventilation has been replaced according to protocols

Vital signs monitoring

Body temperature values have been updated in the last 24 h

The pulse oximetry has been monitored and recorded

The ECG and vital signs have been recorded on admission

Measuring of patient observations (vital signs)

Fluid input output monitoring

Fluid overload

Fluid intake and output have recorded

Activities of daily living

Patient washing once a day and recorded

Patient mouth washing as by ward procedure and recorded

Assisting a patient with activities of daily living


Nursing support and communication to patients

Being honest with a patient

Keeping relatives informed about a patient

Providing privacy for a patient

Getting to know the patient as a person

Giving reassurances about a clinical procedure

Information and involvement of family into the end of life care by nurses



Injuries to patient

Patient’s falls with injuries in the hospital

Staff injuries on the job

Physical and chemical restraint

Medical/nursing errors

Adverse drug reaction rate

Total of prescription mistakes

Total of transfusion reaction

Medication errors


Smoking cessation counselling

Smoking cessation counselling for heart failure

Smoking cessation counselling for pneumonia

Smoking cessation counselling for acute myocardial infarction (AMI)