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Table 1 Evaluation grid for consideration of sex and gender in P4P impact assessments

From: The evidence gap on gendered impacts of performance-based financing among family physicians for chronic disease care: a systematic review reanalysis in contexts of single-payer universal coverage

Item 1: Relates sex and/or gender in the study design

 2 = Methods describe that the analysis will be disaggregated by sex of both patients and providers

 1 = Methods describe that the analysis will be disaggregated by sex of either patients or providers (not both)

 0 = No sex disaggregation described

Item 2: Includes disaggregated data by sex of the patient in the results

 2 = Results include sex-disaggregated data for patients in the P4P assessment

 1 = Results include only descriptives of sex-disaggregated data (e.g., general demographic characteristics of the patient population in tables/figures)

 0 = No sex-disaggregated patient data presented in the results

Item 3: Considers gender perspective of the patient as part of the P4P assessment

 2 = Narrative substantively discusses the influence of P4P in gender-based analysis from an equity perspective (in the results, discussion, and/or conclusion)

 1 = Narrative only describes how sex and other identity factors impacted on patient outcomes in the results (i.e., minimal attention to gender as relevant to P4P)

 0 = No mention of patient sex/gender in the results, discussion, or conclusion

Item 4: Includes disaggregated data by sex of the provider in the results

 2 = Results include sex-disaggregated data for providers in the P4P assessment

 1 = Results include only descriptives of sex-disaggregated data (e.g., general demographic characteristics of the provider workforce in tables/figures)

 0 = No sex-disaggregated provider data presented in the results

Item 5: Considers gender perspective of the provider as part of the P4P assessment

 2 = Narrative substantively discusses the influence of P4P in gender-based analysis from an equity perspective (in the results, discussion, and/or conclusion)

 1 = Narrative only describes how sex and other identity factors impacted on provider outcomes in the results (i.e., minimal attention to gender as relevant to P4P)

 0 = No mention of provider sex/gender in the results, discussion, or conclusion