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Table 2 Summary table of staff retention strategies identified at Waminda

From: Factors supporting retention of health and wellbeing staff in Aboriginal health services: a strength-based case study


Identified staff retention strategies/actions/activities at Waminda

Social Accountability

Ensuring the work is guided by community needs

Bi-directional, open communication between decision makers, staff and community members

Teamwork and collaboration

Cross training; having staff work in different roles and programs

Encouraging collaboration with external services

Cultural safety

Embedding Aboriginal cultural ways of doing

Support staff as both a staff member and community member

Guidance from Cultural mentors, Elders and Cultural Committee

Leave for cultural events or in-house celebrations

Safe environment to identify and practice culture


Managers/supervisors regularly following up on individual staff wellbeing

Regular formal operational supervision

Regular clinical supervision

Strong leadership and support from the CEO

Professional advancement

Regular opportunities to study or attend workshops and conferences

Ability to study during work hours

Recognition of Aboriginal cultural knowledge

Succession planning for Aboriginal staff


Encouraging staff and providing access to programs within the organisation

Providing team bonding and self-care activities for all staff

Retaining the dignity, trust and respect of staff who lost jobs due to funding cuts; offering staff their positions back when funding returned