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Table 4 Push factors affecting emigration of male and female health workers from India (Kerala)

From: Hiding in plain sight: the absence of consideration of the gendered dimensions in ‘source’ country perspectives on health worker migration

Dissatisfaction with current…

Health workers from India (Kerala)

Male n (%)a

Female n (%)b

Working conditions


 Poor income

190 (76.3)

378 (42.5)

 Poor working conditions

125 (28.0)

213 (24.0)

 Poor education opportunities

124 (27.8)

190 (21.3)

Living conditions


 High living costs

228 (51.0)

439 (49.3)

 Future of your children in India

95 (21.3)

133 (14.9)

 Personal safety

76 (17.0)

128 (14.4)

  1. aPercentage of all male respondents
  2. bPercentage of all female respondents