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Table 3 Differences in attitudes and beliefs between survey respondent groups

From: Implementing care coordination in a large dental care organization in the United States by upskilling front office personnel


Matched pre/post sample (N = 76)


Follow-up (post) sample comparing dental care advocates to managers (N = 182)


Baseline (pre) mean (SD)

Follow-up (post) mean (SD)

Mean difference


Managers (n = 65), mean (SD)

Dental care advocates (n = 117), mean (SD)

Attitudes and beliefs about the new care advocate role

 You understand the role of the care advocate

4.20 (0.80)

4.79 (0.41)

 + 0.59***


4.85 (0.36)

4.21 (0.77)***

 The investment in care coordination is worthwhile

4.54 (0.74)

4.70 (0.57)

 + 0.16*


4.74 (0.54)

4.03 (0.92)***

 You believe implementing the care advocate role is important

4.62 (0.68)

4.76 (0.49)

 + 0.14


4.86 (0.35)

3.96 (1.04)***

 Implementing care coordination positions WDG to adapt to a changing health care environment

4.41 (0.89)

4.62 (0.57)

 + 0.22*


4.63 (0.57)

4.02 (0.88)***

 Implementing care coordination provides WDG a competitive edge in the dental marketplace

4.36 (0.92)

4.57 (0.67)

 + 0.21


4.57 (0.69)

3.99 (0.89)***

 You are excited about the care advocate role

4.54 (0.74)

4.66 (0.67)

 + 0.12


4.75 (0.59)

3.76 (1.23)***

 There is sufficient scientific evidence to support implementing care coordination in dentistry

3.92 (0.99)

4.38 (0.73)

 + 0.46**


4.41 (0.74)

3.73 (0.90)***

 The goals of the care advocate role were clearly communicateda


4.32 (0.83)

3.72 (1.09)***

 The care advocate role will be/was able to be adapted to your specific clinical environment

4.26 (0.60)

4.13 (0.79)

− 0.14


4.20 (0.86)

3.64 (0.96)**

 The care advocate role has been working well in the practice where I worka


4.20 (0.96)

3.62 (0.99)**

 Training and/or preparation for the care advocate position was sufficienta


4.22 (0.84)

3.57 (1.19)***

 I was given an opportunity to provide feedback on the care advocate rolea


4.09 (1.08)

3.53 (1.25)*

 Integrating the care advocate role into your practice was difficultb

3.71 (0.91)

3.54 (1.15)

− 0.17


3.61 (1.12)

3.42 (1.10)

Beliefs about the new role’s impact

 Improve communication with patients

4.67 (0.58)

4.69 (0.57)

 + 0.03


4.77 (0.52)

4.23 (0.71)***

 Help patients feel more supported

4.65 (0.56)

4.64 (0.61)

− 0.01


4.71 (0.58)

4.18 (0.72)***

 Improve team communication about patient care

4.45 (0.62)

4.51 (0.71)

 + 0.07


4.57 (0.71)

3.94 (0.88)***

 Enhance the effectiveness of clinical care

4.39 (0.82)

4.44 (0.68)

 + 0.05


4.52 (0.66)

3.95 (0.87)***

 Improve the quality of dental care

4.38 (0.91)

4.44 (0.75)

 + 0.07


4.49 (0.69)

3.97 (0.91)***

 Improve patients' oral health

4.30 (0.77)

4.49 (0.76)

 + 0.19*


4.52 (0.74)

3.93 (0.93)***

 Improve patient compliance with provider recommendations

4.30 (0.79)

4.48 (0.78)

 + 0.18*


4.53 (0.78)

3.89 (1.01)***

 Improve practices' productivity and efficiency

4.17 (0.90)

4.25 (0.80)

 + 0.08


4.35 (0.74)

3.58 (1.06)***

 Improve workflow in my practice

4.00 (0.97)

4.16 (0.96)

 + 0.16


4.37 (0.80)

3.41 (1.15)***

Efficacy and general work satisfaction

 Please rate your confidence level in your personal ability to adapt to change

4.64 (0.56)

4.59 (0.59)

− 0.05


4.72 (0.48)

4.32 (0.74)***

 Please rate how well you feel your personal values are aligned with the values of the organization

4.59 (0.59)

4.62 (0.59)

 + 0.03


4.69 (0.56)

4.21 (0.80)***

 All in all, how satisfied would you say you are with your job?

4.43 (0.70)

4.63 (0.67)

 + 0.20*


4.72 (0.65)

4.01 (0.91)***

 Please rate how well you feel integrated in the oral health care team

4.23 (0.75)

4.35 (0.71)

 + 0.12


4.45 (0.66)

3.89 (0.79)***

 Please rate the extent to which you feel you have adequate resources and support to get your work done

3.91 (0.79)

4.12 (0.77)

 + 0.21*


4.20 (0.73)

3.87 (0.80)*

 Please rate your confidence level in your team's ability to adapt to change

4.00 (0.77)

4.05 (0.76)

 + 0.05


4.25 (0.64)

3.84 (0.80)***

 Please rate how well you feel your current skills are being utilized within the organization

4.01 (0.86)

4.24 (0.83)

 + 0.22*


4.38 (0.72)

3.71 (1.03)***

 Please rate the current effectiveness of communication within your practice/team

4.13 (0.66)

4.09 (0.77)

− 0.04


4.14 (0.73)

3.76 (0.96)*

 Please rate the extent to which you feel you have influence over work and work-related factors

4.00 (0.90)

4.27 (0.81)

 + 0.27*


4.42 (0.75)

3.45 (1.05)***

  1. Item response scale: 1 = strongly disagree/very low, 2 = disagree/low, 3 = neither agree nor disagree/medium, 4 = agree/high, 5 = strongly agree/very high. Individual survey questions were not mandatory, so the reported n varies by item response
  2. SD standard deviation
  3. *p-value < 0.05, **p-value < 0.001, ***p-value < 0.0001, bonly asked on follow-up (post) survey, areverse coded