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Table 4 Dental care advocates’ self-reported changes in skill confidence before and after training and implementation (N = 22)

From: Implementing care coordination in a large dental care organization in the United States by upskilling front office personnel


Baseline (pre) mean (SD)

Follow-up (post) mean (SD)

Mean difference

Motivational interviewing

2.20 (1.15)

3.05 (0.94)

 + 0.85*

Care advocacy

2.65 (1.14)

3.30 (0.66)

 + 0.65*

Ability to answer patients' questions about their oral health care

2.80 (0.62)

3.35 (0.59)

 + 0.55**

Knowledge of oral health prescriptions and products

3.16 (0.60)

3.58 (0.51)

 + 0.42*

Knowledge of barriers patients face in improving their oral health

2.85 (0.59)

3.25 (0.72)

 + 0.40

Knowledge of resources, services, or tools to enhance patient care

3.10 (0.55)

3.45 (0.51)

 + 0.35*

Overall clinical dental knowledge

2.90 (0.72)

3.20 (0.70)

 + 0.30*

Triaging patients based on their oral health needs

3.15 (0.75)

3.40 (0.60)

 + 0.25

Navigating patients through referrals to specialty care

3.58 (0.51)

3.63 (0.50)

 + 0.05

Customer service

3.90 (0.31)

3.90 (0.31)

 + 0.00

Explaining the Proactive Dental Care Plan to patientsa


3.07 (0.86)


Explaining CAMBRAa


2.63 (0.90)


Explaining PEMBRAa


2.59 (0.89)


Explaining an effective therapeutic alliancea


2.68 (0.93)

  1. Item response scale: 4 = very confident, 3 = confident, 2 = somewhat confident, 1 = not at all confident. Individual survey questions were not mandatory, so the reported n varies by item response
  2. SD standard deviation, CAMBRA Caries Management by Risk Assessment, PEMBRA Periodontal Management by Risk Assessment
  3. *p-value < 0.05, **p-value < 0.001, aquestion only asked on follow-up (post) survey