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Table 1 Educational guidelines for the Bachelor’s in Nursing degree in Brazil

From: Situational analysis and reflections on the introduction of advanced practice nurses in Brazilian primary healthcare

Graduate profile

Professional with a generalist, humanistic, critical, and reflective training to work at all healthcare levels

Qualifications and emphases

Training must meet the healthcare system’s demands and social health needs and ensure comprehensive, humanized care and quality and emphasize the recognition of the right to health in technical and scientific performance and in health promotion, maintenance, prevention, protection, and recovery

General skills and abilities

Healthcare; decision-making; communication; leadership; administration and management; permanent education; and contextualized technical/scientific, ethical/political, and social/educational skills

Specific skills corresponding to primary care

- Acknowledge health as a right and act in a way to guarantee comprehensive care, understood as the coordinated, continuous set of preventive and curative individual and collective actions and services required for each case at all levels of the system’s complexity


- Be active in comprehensive healthcare programs for children, adolescents, women, adults, and the elderly


- Be able to diagnose and resolve health problems, communicate, make decisions, intervene in the work process, work in a team, and face constantly changing situations


- Respond to regional health specificities through strategically planned interventions in health promotion, prevention, and rehabilitation, paying full attention to the health of individuals, families, and communities


- Assume an ethical, humanistic, and social commitment to multiprofessional healthcare work


- Act in different scenarios of professional practice based on the premises of clinical and epidemiological models


- Identify the population’s individual and collective health needs, their conditions, and determinants


- Intervene in the health–disease process and take responsibility for the quality of nursing assistance/care in its different healthcare levels with health promotion, prevention, protection, and rehabilitation actions from the perspective of comprehensive care

Curricular contents

Biological and Social Foundation of Nursing (Morphology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Public Health and Environmental Health/Ecology); Human Sciences (Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Communication, and Education); Fundamentals of Nursing; Nursing Assistance; Nursing Administration; Nursing Education


The minimum workload for the supervised curricular internship must total 20% of the total course load. In addition to the theoretical and practical content developed throughout the nurses’ training, nursing programs are required to include in their curriculum a supervised internship in general and specialized hospitals, outpatient clinics, primary care service network, and communities


Nursing programs must have a minimum course load of 4,000 h and a minimum limit of five years