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Table 3 Methodologies to estimate HRH needs in Latin America and teams dedicated to analysing HRH information

From: COVID-19 and human resources for health: analysis of planning, policy responses and actions in Latin American and Caribbean countries


Before pandemic

During pandemic


No evidence of methodologies or teams

Methodologies: HRH supply and needs methodology provided by PAHO

Information on HRH payroll enabled understanding of total employment in the health sector by occupational profile

Estimations on HRH needs included assumptions on COVID-19 cases involving 50% of HRH in primary health care. However, COVID-19 cases exceeded assumptions

Teams: HRH Management and Administration Unit created during the pandemic

No evidence on HRH data analysis


Methodologies: HRH planning methodologies with focus on needs

These methodologies have been used on an annual basis to establish the required budget to reduce the existing gap

Teams: HRH Information Management Unit

Methodologies: Adaptation of the HRH planning methodology to support informed decision-making

Assumptions: HRH needed to treat COVID-19 based on increased number of beds in intensive care units (ICUs) and hospital admissions


Methodologies: A report on HRH estimates on supply and needs

Teams: Observatory of Human Talent in Health

Methodologies: Supply estimation based on National Registry of Healthcare Talent (ReTHUS) and on number of graduates. Needs calculated by case projection. Support provided for decision-making

HRH needed to treat COVID-19 cases estimated, based on increased number of intensive care units (ICUs) and intensive treatment units (ITUs) and beds for them, as well as hospital admissions

HRH to treat COVID-19 cases corresponding to general practitioners and specialists, nurses, and therapists

Estimations showed shortages of specialists in intensive care (adult and pediatric), internal medicine, anesthesiology and surgery for treatment of COVID-19


Methodologies: Human talent planning for health facilities methodology

Teams: National Directorate of Administration of Human Talent (Dirección de Administración del Talento Humano) within the Ministry of Public Health

Methodologies: Independent methodologies used by the Ministry of Public Health and the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguro Social/IESS)

No evidence on assumptions made


Methodologies: HRH Supply and Needs Methodology

Teams: Observatory of Human Resources in Health (Observatorio de Recursos Humanos en Salud/ORHUS)

Methodologies: HRH Supply and Needs Methodology

Initial estimation of number of health professionals and non-clinical staff required for 3 months

Decrease of HRH in the public sector within risk groups

  1. Own elaboration based on WHO [12] and forthcoming PAHO [17]