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Table 3 Associations between nurse employment status and individual nurse outcomes among nurses with less than 5 years’ hospital tenure

From: Nurse employment contracts in Chinese hospitals: impact of inequitable benefit structures on nurse and patient satisfaction

Nurse outcome


95% CI

High emotional exhaustion (n = 4,525)


0.80 to 1.10

Job dissatisfaction (n = 4,739)


0.86 to 1.18

Dissatisfaction with salary (n = 4,733)


1.05 to 1.59*

Dissatisfaction with health insurance benefit (n = 4,734)


1.55 to 2.31**

Dissatisfaction with pension benefit (n = 4,690)


1.50 to 2.36**

Dissatisfaction with tuition benefit (n = 4,663)


1.09 to 1.55**

  1. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals in each row are from separate multivariate logistic regression models for each nurse outcome, and reflect the difference between contract-based nurses and ‘bianzhi’ nurses (the reference group). All models controlled for individual nurse characteristics and for characteristics of hospitals where nurses worked (including the nurse practice environment), and were adjusted for the clustering of nurses in hospitals. *P <0.05; **P <0.01. CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.