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Table 1 Article identification process

From: Supervision, support and mentoring interventions for health practitioners in rural and remote contexts: an integrative review and thematic synthesis of the literature to identify mechanisms for successful outcomes



Sampling strategy

Selective: Sample databases from medicine, nursing, allied health and social science fields within specified limits

Type of study

All qualitative research (grounded theory, ethnography, action research, exploratory approaches, phenomenology), quantitative research (randomised controlled trials, controlled clinical trials, controlled before and after studies, uncontrolled before and after studies) and systematic reviews


Subject searches, citation searches, contact with authors

Range of years

Beginning of 1999 to end of 2009. Updated in 2013 to include beginning of 2010 to end of 2013.



Inclusion and exclusionsa

Inclusion: Empirical research study of an intervention aimed at supportingb health professionals; involves rural and remote populations; report evidence of outcomes related to staff, service or patients.

Exclusion: No abstract for review, article is a commentary piece, or editorial.

Terms used

Mentor + health + rural OR remote

Professional support + health + rural OR remote

Supervision + health + rural OR remote

Professional development + health + rural OR remote

Continuing professional education + health + rural OR remote

Continuing medical education + health + rural OR remote

Preceptorship + health + rural OR remote

Medical + supervision + rural OR remote

Allied health + rural OR remote

Electronic sources

CINAHL Plus, EBSCOhost Health, Informit, MEDLINE OvidSP, Cochrane Library, SCOPUS, ISI Web of Knowledge, BioMed Central

  1. aDetailed in the decision tree of Table 2; bsupport refers to professional development, supervision, mentoring, continuing education, assistance, encouragement and resources that contribute to clinical practice, service delivery and staff satisfaction.