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Table 3 Common themes from key informant interviews

From: Kenya’s emergency-hire nursing programme: a pilot evaluation of health service delivery in two districts

Discussion topic

Common themes by respondents

Impact of the emergency-hire programme (EHP) on health-care providers/clinic

Ability to train in speciality areas (e.g. paediatrics, HIV/AIDS, maternal-child health), also referred to as departmentalization

Decrease in nurse burnout

Ability to increase emergency services overnight

Impact of the EHP on patients within the community (per clinic staff report)

More patients seen each day

Decreased waiting times for patients

Increased access to obstetrical care, particularly overnight deliveries

Increased patient-provider time to discuss HIV/AIDS management and prevention

Challenges to maintaining adequate staffing levels

Nurse placement far from home village resulting in difficulty adapting to a new, often rural, village and missing husband/children

Difficulty adapting to a new language/dialect and culture

Retirement and out-migration were less commonly reported

Barriers to further increasing delivery of health services

More staff needed, despite addition of EHP nurses

Rainy season

Rough terrain

Limited ambulance services to transport critically ill patients to larger hospitals

Limited availability of medications (except HIV meds) and medical supplies (e.g. gloves, syringes)

Additional factors affecting delivery of health services

Presence of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the region

Political unrest, particularly at time of elections (2008)

Intermittent outbreaks (e.g. cholera)

Potential improvements to future EHPs (per clinic staff report)

Placement of nurses in districts/provinces near family

Increased wages and uniform stipends

Availability of educational courses

Enhanced housing options

Easier process of absorption into the Government nursing force