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Table 4 Summary of push and pull factors identified by respondents

From: Managing health professional migration from sub-Saharan Africa to Canada: a stakeholder inquiry into policy options

Push factors

Pull factors

Job security

No jobs available

Jobs available; colleagues, friends and recruiters telling them about opportunities

Lack of promotions


Risk of losing jobs due to lack of funds


Working conditions

Low salaries

Reasonable remuneration – able to save money

Non-payment of salaries (non-payment of housing allowance)


Deteriorating work environment/facilities


Inadequate medicine and equipment


Significant stress, overtime and generally poor conditions of service resulting in fatigue and burn-out

Regular workload

Inability to treat patients due to poor services and medicine


Impossible patient-health care provider ratios, making it difficult to give quality care

Reasonable conditions of work

Poor health human resources planning


Economic and political considerations

Disarray in severely economically depressed SSA countries

Canada a wealthy, democratic country

Political and racial upheaval

Not corrupt

Gender discrimination


Physical security


Safe country



Significant criminality


Gender-based violence


Significant exposure to HIV – risk of infection through treatment of patients


Quality of life

Poor accommodation

Canada tolerant, multi-ethnic

Lack of transport to go to work

Good quality of life

Inability to live a decent life



Diminishing quality of education for children

Greater opportunities for children – good education and ability to earn a decent living