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Table 2 Questionnaire findings – replies by non-migrating respondents (n = 409)

From: Labour migration of Polish nurses: a questionnaire survey conducted with the Computer Assisted Web Interview technique

Number of questions/content of the questions and answers, n (%)

4. Please, indicate one major reason why you do not intend to migrate from Poland

 Family situation does not allow it

154 (38)

 I find my present material and professional situation satisfactory

69 (17)

 I don’t know foreign languages

68 (17)

 I am afraid I will not be able to cope in a new cultural and language environment.

52 (13)


22 (5)



 [My state of health does not allow it (9); Participation in the reform of Polish nursing (3); I love my country and I want to support it (7); Fear of losing the professional position (3); I don’t have a university diploma (12); My husband earns a lot (1); I already worked for 7 years (1); Mental loss cannot be offset by material gains (1); Complicated formalities making legal work abroad difficult to undertake (5); Hope for better earnings (2)

44 (10)

 Data gaps