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Table 1 Potential scope of work for CHWs adapted from the Community Participation Policy for Health

From: Improving local health through community health workers in Cambodia: challenges and solutions

Health information systems:

 • Disease surveillance/monitoring and case reporting to the health centre

 • Keep a register of all children below 5 years of age in the village

 • Assist the health centre in collecting registration statistics including notification of pregnancies, births and deaths

 • Conduct verbal autopsies for deaths that occur in the village

 • Collect information on health and health-related problems in the community, inform and report to the health centre

Provision and follow up of information and essential services:

 • Facilitate the identification of the poor for fee exemption

 • Provide health education, promote improved health practices and distribute health IEC materials including family planning, antenatal care, clean delivery, post-natal care, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, safe water, hygiene and sanitation, malaria and dengue control, HIV/AIDS/STIs, tuberculosis, immunizations, non-communicable and chronic diseases, mental health, tobacco and alcohol and gender-based and family violence

 • Mobilise families and assist health centre staff during outreach activities and health campaigns

 • Assist in the mobilisation of resources for sustainability of health centres

 • Assist families with early identification of the danger signs for severe/serious illnesses

 • Promote and strengthen the health centre referral system and assist in logistics such as transportation

Provision and follow-up of essential diagnosis and treatment services:

 • Promote correct home care for illnesses

 • Provide community-based first aid and rehabilitation

 • Identify, refer and follow up children with acute malnutrition

 • Provide home-based care

In remote and difficult to access communities:

 • Provide early diagnosis and treatment for malaria

 • Diagnosis and treat acute respiratory infections with antibiotics in children

Provision of essential commodities:

 • Distribute micronutrient and food supplementation

 • Distribute mebendazol and oral re-hydration treatment with zinc

 • Distribute condoms and family planning supplies

 • Distribute long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito bed nets and hammock nets