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Table 1 eHealth cadre roles needed for leadership, management, support, or operations of eHealth systems that have been deployed in healthcare facilities based on definitions, roles, and requisite competencies from recommendations by [18,19,20, 22,23,24,25]

From: Assessing Ghana’s eHealth workforce: implications for planning and training





Chief information officer

Providing high-level leadership to determine the needs of the organization based on both the current situation and the organizational strategic plan


Managing the day-to-day tactical, logistics, and functional aspects of the eHealth system

Project manager

Directing the implementation and operation of information systems, including supervision of other involved personnel

Project coordinator

Moderating and ensuring an effective synergy between the implementation team and end-users


Managing the business of healthcare including logistics, human resources, planning and finance

Technical/software support


Creating effective data communications interfaces between systems, including (as necessary) connecting hardware and installing, modifying, and developing software

Database administrator

Designing, maintaining, and protecting database systems

Network administrator

Designing, maintaining, and supporting local-area and wide-area computer telecommunication networks

Help desk specialist

Working with end-users to troubleshoot problems and questions that arise during routine use of their information system

Health information management

Health information clerk

Capturing, recording, storing, and retrieving information about a consumer and their interactions with the healthcare system

Health information officer

Setting up, maintaining and managing systems for collection, collation, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health information for research, planning, and management of health services in the facility


Retrieving, analyzing and reporting information for direct patient care or population health

Training/quality development


Working with end-users to educate them about the features and proper operation of their information system

Quality assurance and improvement specialist

Working with end-users to test each component of the information system and assure that the components work effectively with each other as they are integrated. Analyzes and improve processes at every level; from care of the individual consumer through to public health and health policy