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Table 9 Corresponding critical success factors for Lean identified in other industries

From: Critical success factors for the successful initiation of Lean in public hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal: a factor analysis and structural equation modelling study

Context and researchers

CSFs surveyed from literature (corresponding CSFs identified in current study indicated in parentheses)

CSFs relevant to measuring the degree of success of Lean implementation in information technology support services [15]

Management leadership (CSF1); management support (CSF1); top management commitment (CSF1); organisational culture; communication; training and skill building; financial capability; measurement framework

Implementation of Lean manufacturing within SMEs [41]

Leadership and management (CSF1); financial capability; skills and expertise and organisational culture

Enablers and inhibitors during the implementation of Lean in a Mexican public service organisation [42]

Commitment to and wish for improvement (CSF1); clear resolve to improve; focus on the simple and practical; active leadership (CSF1); outcome or stakeholder-oriented service; holistic and transversal thinking; establishing a system for measuring service process performance; effective implementation of best human resource management practices

Success factors identified during two Lean implementation projects within the same company: a global manufacturer of food processing machines and equipment [43]

Management commitment to, and involvement in, the Lean effort (CSF1); employee autonomy to make decisions regarding business process changes; information transparency of Lean goals; evidence of initial performance improvements and long-term sustainability of Lean efforts

A secondary review of research literature of key factors of success in the management of the synchronised production system (SPS) implementation process [44]

Business plan and vision; top-management support (including funding) (CSF1); project management (including project champion and teamwork and composition); change management, organisational culture; effective communication, education and training, knowledge transfer, knowledge management (including skills and expertise); organisational structure; monitoring and evaluation of performance: performance measurements

Critical success factors within SMEs implementing lean [45]

Management involvement and commitment (CSF1); communication; link quality improvement to employee; culture change; education and training; link quality improvement to customer; project selection; link quality improvement to business; link quality improvement to supplier; project management skill; organisation infrastructure; vision and plan (CSF1); information technology and innovation.

Ten CSFs for software industries from a pilot study [46]

Leadership engagement and uncompromising commitment of top management (CSF1), supporting OI, cultural change, Lean training, linking Lean to business strategy, accountability, customer involvement, understanding of Lean methodology (CSF2 and CSF3), project management, project prioritisation, and selection

Four essentials for successful implementation of a Lean programme [39]

Belief that the new programme will work; commitment for implementing it from managers (CSF1); involvement of the whole organisation—employees and resources; patience and long-term view of the results