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Table 1 Nine core health practitioner regulatory standards

From: Regulation of the global orthotist/prosthetist workforce, and what we might learn from allied health professions with international-level regulatory support: a narrative review

Regulatory standard

Definition and purpose of regulatory standard

Minimum Training/Education

The minimum training and/or education level required for individuals to practice in the profession

This standard communicates the minimum training requirements to practice, to the community, external stakeholders and training institutions

Entry-level Competency Standards

An outline of the minimum skills and knowledge that must be demonstrated by individuals to practice in the profession

This is an assessable standard which is used by training institutions to determine the required training content. It is also used by authorities responsible for assessing competency to determine whether international practitioners can practice in the profession

Scope of Practice

A guidance document which describes the role and activities a practitioner is permitted to undertake based on their training and qualifications

This guidance is used to ensure the community and external stakeholders are aware of the boundaries of practice for an profession. It is commonly used to promote the services of a profession, but also to support disciplinary processes as working within one’s scope of practice is typically a component of a code of conduct

Code of Conduct and/or Ethics

Describes the conduct expected of practitioners in providing a health service and/or the values and principles required to be upheld by a practitioner

This code defines the behavioural and ethical expectations to which the community can hold a practitioner to account. The code is commonly used in complaint and disciplinary processes and therefore each component must be assessable

Course Accreditation

A standard that training institutions must meet to be accredited by the national body for the education of practitioners

Course accreditation ensures that training programmes deliver practitioner education in line with the competency standards and scope of practice for the profession and therefore ensure the future workforce meets the needs of the population and the health system

Continuing Professional Development

Describes the minimum requirement for ongoing education, typically on an annual basis

This standard ensures that practitioner’s education journey is life-long and appropriate to their area of practice. It provides protection of the public by ensuring practitioners knowledge and skills are current

Language Standard

National language standards define the level to which a practitioner can adequately speak the primary language of the country

This standard supports consumer safety by ensuring services are delivered by practitioners who can sufficiently communicate, or where language is a barrier, that alternative safeguards, such as translators are used


Describes the minimum amount of time that a practitioner can be absent from The workforce before a return to practice programme must be completed prior to workforce re-entry

This standard provides protection to the public by ensuring services are delivered by practitioners with current knowledge and skills


Describes the pathway to return to the workforce after a period of absenteeism from the workforce, as defined by the recency-of-practice standard

This standard ensures that practitioners are sufficiently current before returning to practice, thereby supporting retention in the workforce, whilst simultaneously ensuring services are delivered by practitioners with current knowledge and skills