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Table 3 Respondents’ engagement in nursing research by topic

From: Nursing engagement in research priorities focused on health systems and services in Latin America countries


Conduct research on this topic

Use research on this topic

Know about research on this topic

Yes n (%)

Yes n (%)

Yes n (%)

Policies and education related to nursing human resources

 Q1—Research on factors that influence the supply, demand, and geographical distribution of human resources in nursing

152 (14%)

273 (26%)

452 (43%)

 Q2—Research on the extent, causes, and effects of nurse migration in your country

87 (8%)

132 (13%)

267 (26%)

 Q3—Actions that could reduce nurse migration issues in your country

64 (6%)

101 (10%)

184 (18%)

 Q4—Existing models for regulation of nursing professionals in in your country

141 (14%)

189 (18%)

308 (30%)

 Q5—Education and/or training models to improve the abilities and competencies (including cultural competencies) of nurses in primary health care settings

320 (31%)

404 (39%)

507 (14%)

 Q6—The impact of public health nurses’ education, training, and competencies on the health-related needs of people

246 (26%)

353 (38%)

453 (48%)

 Q7—The impact of including current and up-to-date content in the nursing curriculum

272 (29%)

371 (40%)

457 (50%)

 Q8—Importance of continuing education for nursing professionals

293 (31%)

412 (45%)

507 (55%)

 Q9—Mechanisms to transform nursing human resources education and training curricula

236 (25%)

346 (37%)

417 (45%)

Structure, organization, and dynamics of health systems and services

 Q10—Involvement of nurses in management and/or leadership of health systems and of public health services

196 (22%)

313 (26%)

449 (51%)

 Q11—Identifying nursing competencies that are most highly valued by patients and families

210 (24%)

306 (35%)

369 (42%)

 Q12—Identifying nursing interventions that are most effective in individual health and/or in population health

316 (36%)

417 (48%)

482 (55%)

 Q13—Challenges and strategies used in the implementation of a nursing care model

240 (27%)

343 (40%)

421 (49%)

 Q14—Nursing’s role in inter-professional health care

204 (23%)

315 (36%)

377 (44%)

 Q15—Ways to support a culture of safety within the health care setting

215 (25%)

312 (36%)

408 (48%)

 Q16—The relationship between continuing education policies, quality of nursing care, and rates of institutional adverse events

160 (19%)

281 (33%)

367 (43%)

 Q17—The impact of working conditions on health of the nursing workforce

190 (22%)

294 (35%)

414 (49%)

 Q18—The relationship between workers’ health conditions, absenteeism rates, and quality of nursing care

156 (18%)

232 (27%)

344 (41%)

 Q19—Facilitators and barriers to adequate working conditions

142 (17%)

225 (27%)

311 (37%)

 Q20—Evaluation of work-related satisfaction among nurses and/or other health care providers

166 (20%)

243 (29%)

342 (41%)

 Q21—Implementation of humanized, comprehensive nursing practice at health facilities

244 (29%)

356 (42%)

458 (55%)

Science, technology, innovation, and information systems in public

 Q22—Access to and utilization of evidence-based information, data, and practices on nursing practice

234 (28%)

386 (47%)

462 (56%)

 Q23—Use of information technologies (e.g., big data; data science) in nursing practice

165 (20%)

263 (32%)

317 (38%)

 Q24—Institutional policies to support the production of nursing knowledge and/or technology in primary health care settings

148 (18%)

217 (26%)

276 (34%)

Health policies, governance, and social control

 Q25—The role of organizational management in the performance of nursing professionals in the public health sector

143 (17%)

228 (28%)

301 (36%)

 Q26—Application of models of governance (shared, clinical, public, etc.) in primary health care settings

87 (10%)

174 (21%)

236 (29%)

 Q27—Nurses’ participation in the decision-making process and/or in public policy development

123 (15%)

225 (28%)

298 (37%)

Social studies in the health field

 Q28—Societal recognition of the work of nurses

113 (14%)

212 (26%)

298 (36%)

 Q29—Strategies to promote a positive image of nurses/the nursing profession

126 (15%)

199 (24%)

253 (31%)