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Table 3 Cost and monetary consequences of the MPA Program

From: Impact assessment of the medical practice assisting (MPA) program in general practice in the hunter New England and central coast regions of Australia


(1) Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (PHN)—Annual Economic costsa

Item cost ($AUD)

Total ($AUD)


Team leader

4.5 h/week

$10 957


Web Support/comms

7 h/year


Labour on-costs

20.5% × total labour





$13 551



27.5% × total labour activity



Travel costs


5196 KM travelled/annual



Student support

600 KM travelled/annual


Accommodation and meals







Scholarship costs


$2,150 per person × 44 students


$94 600

Conference costs

Once every two years

$20 000 every two years


$10 000

Total ($AUD)


For cohort of 44 students


$126 718

Cost per student ($AUD)


(2) General practices—expected costs per one 18-month candidature

Item Cost ($AUD)

Total ($AUD)

(a) During the candidatureb


 Student support

Fee assistance




 Student training

Student training

MPA student training timec



Reception backfill: practice manager



Labour on-costs

20.5% × total labour





$15 901




 Study leave for students


7 days of study leave for student



Backfill cost during study leavef






Total cost per student

$22 687

(b) Post candidature assuming wage increase and half day release for MPA duties

 Wage increase


Additional wages per year




Additional wages for ½ day receptionist

$31 156




$38 324



$8 746

Total recurrent yearly cost per graduate


$47 070

Cost per student 12 months post-graduation ($AUD)

$69 756

(3) MPA graduates—expected costs per one 18-month candidature

Economic costse


Item cost ($AUD)

Total ($AUD)

Out of pocket costs



Study and personal leave

Personal leave for MPA

Average 5 days per student: cost of forgone activities = 35% of wages



Unpaid time for MPA

Average Total 330 h: cost of forgone activities = 35% of wages






Cost per student ($AUD)


  1. aIncludes scholarships and administration for first year of commencing cohort (n = 44)
  2. bEconomic costs are opportunity costs/values of all resources by the Practice expended for MPA qualification.
  3. cPractice Nurse conducts training during usual service, hence Practice Nurse is not diverted to training and incurs no opportunity cost. Any extra time for training considered negligible.
  4. dBackfill economic costs calculated with respect to cash outlays for casual receptionists and the cost of directing permanent staff to backfill for receptionist. Calculated on MPA survey data. Backfill cash cost, the expected cash outlay for backfilling MPA student, accounting for the fact that some practices do not hire casual backfill.
  5. eEconomic costs are opportunity costs/values of all resources by the Practice expended for MPA qualification.
  6. fBackfill economic costs calculated with respect to cash outlays for casual receptionists and the cost of directing permanent staff to backfill for receptionist. Calculated on MPA survey data. Backfill cash cost, the expected cash outlay for backfilling MPA student, accounting for the fact that some practices do not hire casual backfill