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Table 2 Domains and areas of interventions presented at the interim guidance on HCWF policy and management in the context of COVID-19

From: Implementation of policy and management interventions to improve health and care workforce capacity to address the COVID-19 pandemic response: a systematic review


Areas of interventions

Supporting and protecting HCWs (individual level)

Infection prevention and control*

Decent working conditions

Mental health of HCWs*

Remuneration and incentives

Strengthening and optimizing HCWF teams (management level)

Building competencies through education and training

Optimizing roles

Leveraging community-based HCWs

Increasing capacity and strategic HCWs deployment (organizational level)

Improving health worker availability

Rationalizing the HCWF distribution

Supportive work environment and manageable workload

System-level HRH interventions (systemwide level)

Strengthening governance and intersectoral collaboration mechanisms

Improving HCWF information systems

Assessment, planning of HCWF needs

Licensing and regulation

  1. HCWs health and care workers, HRH human resources for health
  2. Source: WHO (2021) [14]
  3. *These areas of interventions were considered as part of the “Decent working conditions”