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Table 2 Participant characteristics

From: Primary care providers’ preferences for pay-for-performance programs: a discrete choice experiment study in Shandong China


N (%)


38.8 (9.1)



604 (68.5)


278 (31.5)



143 (16.2)


739 (83.8)

Education level

 Middle school or below

410 (46.5)

 Bachelor’s degree or higher

472 (53.5)

Job title


586 (66.4)

 Senior or intermediate

296 (33.6)

Permanent staff


530 (60.1)


352 (39.9)

Any management position


798 (90.5)


84 (9.5)

Years practiced

 ≤ 15

409 (46.4)

 > 15

473 (53.6)

Years serviced in this institution

 ≤ 15

512 (58.1)

 > 15

370 (42.0)

Weekly working hours

 ≤ 50

531 (60.2)

 > 50

351 (39.8)

Monthly income

 ≤ 5000

622 (70.5)

 > 5000

260 (29.5)

The proportion of fixed income (%)

 ≤ 80

506 (57.4)

 > 80

376 (42.6)

Work motivation (original score)a

 Intrinsic motivation (IM, range for 0 to 30)

19.8 (9.2)

 Integrated/identified regulation (IDEN, range for 0 to 30)

22.2 (8.5)

 Introjected regulation (INTRO, range for 0 to 20)

14.4 (5.8)

 External regulation-social (EXT-S, range for 0 to 30)

20.8 (8.7)

 External regulation-economic (EXT-E, range for 0 to 40)

29.1 (10.5)

  1. aMean and SD are reported for continuous variable