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Table 1 Eligibility criteria involving PICoS (a modified PICO framework)

From: Approaches to locum physician recruitment and retention: a systematic review


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Physician locums, fill-in physicians, temporary physicians or locum, temporary physicians in training (e.g., medical students, residents, or fellows)

Non-physician healthcare workers (e.g., nurses, physician assistants, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, optometrists, dentists, audiologists) lacking an accredited medical degree

Permanent non-locum physicians


Recruitment and retention of locum physicians at the individual level

Proxy or composite locum recruitment and retention strategies

Indirect or inferred locum recruitment or retention strategies

Locum recruitment and retention strategies at the managerial, department, organizational or systemic level


Any country

Hospital or clinical setting

Non-healthcare settings (e.g., laboratories, pharmaceutical industries, insurance agencies, mines, biotechnology firms, consultant agencies, or medical consultant agencies)

Study type

Qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods original research in the English language

Secondary research unavailable in English language